• Dispensing Justice

  • Dispensing Justice

    Ilyas Siddique has a wide experience of representing clients arrested and charged with the following offences:



    Inland Revenue & Customs Fraud

    Murder/Violent Offences

    Mortgage Fraud

    Confiscation of Assets proceedings

    Money Laundering

    Director Fraud

    Department of Trade and Industry Fraud

    Drugs Importation

    V.A.T Fraud

    Social Security Fraud

    Evasion of Custom Duty

    Advance Fee Fraud

    Benefit Fraud

    Business Crime

    Pension Fraud

    Fraud by False Representation

    Recent instructions; [ MANCHESTER ARENA BOMBING - TERRORISM ]

    My client with 22 others in police custody was detained and vigorously interviewed under strict Terrorism Law procedures for 14 days without charge.
    The Anti Terrorism Squad based in London were the prime investigators.
    My client with the other suspects were all released without any charge.

    Recent instructions; Department of Works and Pensions (DWP) Pensions Credit Fraud , valued at £24,000. Appealed DWP decision to HM Courts & Tribunal Service in London.

    It is alleged by the DWP that the Appellant, who is illiterate of the English language was overpaid Pensions Credit whilst she failed to notify the DWP of her husbands state pension whilst employed for London Transport.
    It is alleged by the DWP that the Appellant failed to notify the DWP of the change of circumstances.

    I am instructed to act for an appeal on behalf of the Appellant to defend and firmly represent the circumstances against the decision of the DWP. The appeal was successfully adjourned due to lack of sufficient evidence and disclosure from the DWP.
    The appeal is pending the disclosure and evidence materials to be served upon me and the tribunal for a final decision by the tribunal. The appeal continues.....................

    Recent instructions; [£500,000 tobacco smuggling fraud]

    Three men and a woman were arrested by officers investigating a suspected £500,000 tobacco smuggling fraud in the Great Yarmouth area. HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), accompanied by officers from Norfolk Police, Immigration Enforcement and Trading Standards, searched three businesses, two homes and a storage unit in the Great Yarmouth area. As part of the operation officers seized 150,000 illicit cigarettes and hand rolling tobacco...In the press.

    Recent instructions; [ Death by careless driving ]

    Pedestrian, Matt Taylor, 43, from Haslingden, was in collision with a Mercedes Sprinter van...In the press.

    Representative Client List:

    Ilyas Siddique has represented clients throughout the country that have been arrested and charged with serious crimes.

    There are some that have been highlighted in the media. Below are a few examples of some of the cases:


    R v Sultan Mohammed


    R v Joseph Makha                   (£3m Cheque Fraud)

    R v Sardar Hussain                 (£2m Evasion of Custom Duty and Money Laundering)

    R v Yasin Jusab                      (Fraud by False Representation)

    R v Gary Walsh                      (£1m Cheque Fraud)

    R v Samuel Mtambo               ( Fraud by False representation)

    R v Michael Gundu                (Cheque Fraud)

    R v Mcebisi Zikhali                 (Cheque Fraud)

    R v John Mashua                    (Cheque Fraud)

    R v Munawar Hussain            (Mortgage Fraud)

    R v Mohammed Al Haq         (Money Laundering)

    R v Mohammed Sarwar          (Department of Social Security Fraud)

    R v Charanjit Singh                (Benefit Fraud)

    Drug Related Crimes/Serious Organised Crime

    R v Altaf Hussain                   (Car Ringing)

    R v Anwar Khan                     (Supply of Class A drugs)

    R v Gurdeep Singh                 (Importation of 3kg Heroin)

    R v Mahfooz Khan                (Supply of Class A Drugs)

    R v Shaun Booth                   (Supply of Heroin)

    R v Yasmin Zaman                 (Fraud By False Representation)

    R v Altaf Hussain                   (Money Laundering)

    R v Sardar Hussain                 (Confiscation of Assets Proceeds of Crime)

    R v Maravat Hussain              (Money Laundering)

    R v Razwan al Haq                 (Money Laundering Proceeds of Crime)

    Violent Offences

    R v Kamer Akram                   (Murder)

    R v Mohammed Arif              (Murder)

    R v Tariq Muhammed            (GBH)