As the spectrum of criminal activity is very large, the contents below are there to serve as a starting point for information and guidance on the most commonly seen areas of crime. There is no specific emphasis or weight of importance put on this information other than it covers these common areas.

Crown Prosecution Service

Other Sources


Common assault

Prosecuting Cases of Domestic Violence

Youth justice in England and Wales

Honour Based Violence and Forced Marriage

Offensive and threatening messages sent over a "public" electronic communications network.

Racist and Religious Crime

Computer Missuse



Offensive Weapons, Knives, Bladed and Pointed Articles




Special Measures  are a series of provisions that help vulnerable and intimidated witnesses give their best evidence in court and help to relieve some of the stress associated with giving evidence. Special measures apply to prosecution and defence witnesses, but not to the defendant.

Drug facilitated sexual assault  (DFSA), also known as predator rape, is a sexual assault (rape or otherwise) carried out on a person after the person has become incapacitated due to having consumed alcohol or been intentionally administered another date rape drug.

Rape and Sexual Offences

Rape in English law



Sentencing Dangerous Offenders

National Crime Agency (NCA)



Proceeds of Crime



Drugs and driving

Road Traffic Offences

Drink Driving LAW